Treatment of Constipation

Constipation refers to bowel movements a.k.a poop or stool that are less frequent then usual, painful or hard to pass. It can be caused by inadequate fibre or fluid intake, a cycle of holding in stool typically caused by painful stool, poor bowel routines, inactivity, medication or genetics. Listed below are some recommendations to treat constipation.

1. Behaviour modification

* toilet time 3 – 10 minutes once or twice a day after meals.

* monitor for any with-holding behaviours

* footstool or potty (chimmy)

* stool diary

* regular physical activity

2. Dietary modification

* fluid intake 6 – 8 cups per day

* fibre intake 0.5g/kg/d

* grains such as; whole wheat pasta, whole grain cereals, non-white bread, brown rice, quinoa

* Fruits and Vegetables: 4 – 6 servings per day in children, 7 – 8 servings per day in teenagers): pears, apples, berries, dried fruits, peas, legumes, popcorn (air popped)

* meat alternatives: lentils, chickpeas, nuts, beans

3. Medication

* Polyethylene gylcol 3350 (PEG3350,brand names: restoralax, laxaday, pegalax)

Cleanout: one scoop (17g) x 3 days – If no bowel movement you can do one scoop 2 times per day.

Maintenance: half scoop (8.55g) x 6 months

The information presented in this blog is not meant to replace a visit to your health care provider.